
Miao Wang

May 12 (3 days ago)
to me

Hi KGSA members,


My name is Kat Wang, the Admissions Representative at Keck Graduate Institute (KGI). As the youngest member of the Claremont Colleges, KGI offers graduate programs onbiotechnology and pharmaceuticals, preparing students to bridge science and engineering backgrounds with a focus on business and real-world experience. Our master’s program offers up to $40,000 scholarship for international students. 


Our 9-month post-doc program helps launch doctoral students’ careers in the rewarding biotech industry. As Nature/Next Scientist/NSF/ASCB articles encourage life science PhDs to seek for a career beyond academia, we provide professional training and networking opportunities that helps PhDs advance their careers in the industry (examples: here , here andhere). If interested, I’d be happy to connect you with a faculty or an alumni. 


We are still accepting application for Fall 2017 and offering scholarshipapply to receive a $75 application fee waiver.


We look forward to helping you take the next step towards a successful career. Contact us with any questions about KGI, our programs, or the application process.

Video link on "The Postdoctoral Professional Masters (PPM) Perspective":




Miao “Kat” Wang, MS.

Admission Representative





Admissions Outreach Representative

Direct: 909.607.0583

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